Senior Scientist
Salary Setting
Include the Compensation Analyst as part of the salary review/setting process.
Approval & Review Path
The hire case requires approval by the Division Staff Committee Chair, Division Director, and Associate Lab Director. The case is then presented to the Lab Staff Committee by the Search Committee Chair (or designee). The Lab Staff Committee will vote on the case for the Deputy Lab Director and Lab Director to consider as part of their approval.
Case Submission
Upon approval by the Associate Lab Director, the delegated administrative support will ensure the case is composed of the proper documents, organized into a single PDF, and bookmarked as described on the cover sheet. The delegated administrative support will then submit the case to the Career Pathways office via the Sr. Scientist case submission form.
The Career Pathways office, as the LSC Case Facilitator, will qualify the case and schedule the Lab Staff Committee meeting, where the case will be presented. Following the presentation to the LSC, the Career Pathways office will forward the LSC recommendation along with the case materials to both the Deputy Lab Director for Research and Lab Director for review. The LSC Case Facilitator will then communicate final decision to the Associate Lab Director, Division Director, Ad Hoc Committee members, Lab Staff Committee Division’s Representative, and Sr./HR Division Partner.
Hire Case Guidance
S&E Hire Case Process Guidance
Step by step instructions on the preparation and review of the hire case
Hire Case Documents
1. Case Cover Sheet template
Lists points of contacts, required case documents, and the responsible person completing each document. Typically, the case is organized in a single PDF by administrative support
2. Statement of Referees' Affiliations template
A template for the responsible manager to provide information regarding the letter writers and their affiliation with the candidate. This template includes the reference criteria
3. Letter of Solicitation Reference letter template (General or Arm's Length)
A letter for the Division Director (or designee) to solicit for references. It includes the hire evaluation criteria
4. Hire Evaluation Memo template
A template for the Search Committee Chair to write an assessment on the candidate’s suitability for hire. This requires approval by the Division Staff Committee Chair, Division Director, Associate Lab Director, and Deputy Lab Director.
5. Position Description Template
Supervisors should work with their Division HR Partners to create position descriptions.
6. Presentation Guidelines
Guidelines for the Search Committee to follow when preparing slides to present to the Lab Staff Committee
For Non-Recruited Hires - Follow the promotion process using the hire case templates. An Ad Hoc Committee must be appointed.
Promotion Process:
The point of contact is Meg Rodriguez phone 510-486-6294, Email She will facilitate the entire process Lab-wide.
In October, the Lab Staff Committee Chair will do a call out for Division Directors to submit names of Staff Scientists to promote into Sr. Scientists
The promotion cycle (click here) begins on October 1st. However, promotions for retentions can occur at any time
Prior to initiating a Sr. Scientist case, the Divisions' Sr. Scientist Ad Hoc Committee members should review the Sr. Scientist promotion orientation to learn about the process, deliverables and expectations. For Key Roles & Responsibilities, click here.
Approval & Review Path
The promotion case requires approval by the Division Staff Committee Chair, Division Director, and Associate Lab Director. The case is then presented to the Lab Staff Committee by the Ad Hoc Committee Chair (or designee). The Lab Staff Committee will vote on the case for the Deputy Lab Director and Lab Director to consider as part of their approval.
Case Submission
Upon approval by the Associate Lab Director, the delegated administrative support will ensure the case is composed of the proper documents, organized into a single PDF, and bookmarked as described on the cover sheet. The delegated administrative support will then submit the case to the Career Pathways office via the Sr. Scientist case submission form.
The Career Pathways office, as the LSC Case Facilitator, will qualify the case and schedule the Lab Staff Committee meeting, where the case will be presented. Following the presentation to the LSC, the Career Pathways office will forward the LSC recommendation along with the case materials to both the Deputy Lab Director for Research and Lab Director for review. The LSC Case Facilitator will then communicate final decision to the Associate Lab Director, Division Director, Ad Hoc Committee members, Lab Staff Committee Division’s Representative, and Sr./HR Division Partner.
Sr. Scientist Promotion Supporting Documentation
Sr. Scientist Promotion Process Orientation
The orientation is a brief review of the process and action items for the Ad Hoc Committee.
Promotion Case Documents
1. Request for Supporting Documents email template
A template for the Ad Hoc Committee Chair to solicit documents from the candidate
2. Candidate’s Suggested References template
A template for the candidate to suggest up to three of the minimum seven required references for consideration
3. Description of Research template
A template for the candidate to provide a research description and other supporting documentation
4. Statement of Referees' Affiliations template
A template for the Ad Hoc Committee to list references and briefly describe their research and affiliation with the candidate
5. Letter of Solicitation Reference letter template (General or Arm's Length)
A template for the Division Director’s administrator to complete and send out on behalf of the Division Director
6. Promotional Evaluation Memo template
A template that the Ad Hoc Committee completes to formally submit the candidate’s promotion to the Associate Lab Director, Deputy Lab Director, and Lab Director
7. Case Cover Sheet template
A template that the Ad Hoc Committee (or admin) completes before the case goes to the Lab Staff Committee
8. Presentation Guidelines
Guidelines for the Ad Hoc Committee to put together a Powerpoint presentation the case to the Lab Staff Committee
9. Candidate At A Glance
This is an at-a-glance comparison chart between the candidate and prior Sr. Scientist promotion cases submitted by the Division
10. Position Description Template
Supervisors should work with their Division HR Partners to create position descriptions